Survey „Diversity, Anti-Discrimination and Inclusion within CorrelAid“

Bei "Vielfalt in Zahlen - wie man Diskriminierung misst" sprechen wir über alles rund ums Thema ADGD – "Antidiskriminierungs- und Gleichstellungsdaten" - die Kernarbeit von "Vielfalt entscheidet - Data for Equity". Jeden Monat gibt es eine neue Folge.

In der ersten Folge interviewt unsere Moderatorin Thao Tran Dr. Lina Vollmer (Projektleitung von "Vielfalt entscheidet") und Juan Vivanco (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei "Vielfalt entscheidet"). Es geht darum, wie Daten beim Abbau von Diskriminierung und Rassismus helfen können. Folgende Fragen werden beantwortet: Was und wofür sind ADGD, Wie tragen ADGD zum Abbau von Diskriminierung bei und wie wird Diskriminierung gemessen?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The survey will be carried out by Citizens For Europe (CFE). CFE is a non-partisan organization and non-profit social business established in 2009 in Berlin. With its projects and services, CFE strives for a more inclusive and participatory society at a local level and across Europe. CFE’s division Advocacy for Inclusion focuses on the development of tools, demands and strategies that are necessary to bring advocacy for inclusion to the next level. CFE works with public administrations, political parties, academia, companies and organizations that are interested in approaching and fostering marginalized communities, especially racialized minorities. CFE’s applied research, equality data collection and consulting services allow organizations to prioritize diverse communities, identify intersectional discrimination and develop recruitment and organizational strategies that reflect the diversity of our society.

Citizens For Europe gUG

Department: Vielfalt entscheidet - Diversity in Leadership


Diversity, anti-discrimination and inclusion are core values at CorrelAid. They are expressed in the organization’s mission statement and code of conduct. CorrelAid wants to be “an open and welcoming environment by ensuring an harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless where they fall on dimensions including, but not limited to: gender identity and expression, sexual identity and orientation, age, disability, neuro(a)typicality, ethnicity, profession, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, physical appearance, race, religion, physical and mental health, or lifestyle choices. [...]” The goal of the survey, in particular, is to provide the basis for a data-based strategy aimed at the implementation of concrete measures to improve anti-discrimination and inclusion within CorrelAid. With your participation, you ensure that a diversity of perspectives and experiences with regard to the survey’s focal topics (listed below: “How will the questionnaire be structured?“) becomes part of the results, and thus a foundation for analysis, reflection and action.

Your participation will ensure that a wide range of perspectives and experiences can be incorporated into the results, within the following topics of the survey:
- Knowledge about structures and positions within CorrelAid
- Extent and motive of engagement, and perceived barriers.
- (Potential) experiences of discrimination and coping strategies
- Diversity dimensions relevant to discrimination

In the field of gender equality, quantifiable information on the extent of the lack of representation of women, as well as related discrimination, has been used effectively in the past and is the basis of all promotional measures. This finding can be applied to all other types of organizations and other experiences of discrimination. With our surveys, the issue of diversity and discrimination within organizations becomes a strategy and a personnel issue. Our application-oriented research allows for the development of comprehensive and, above all, well-founded diversity management concepts that start with the experiences and perspectives of the respondents. Internationally, the collection of so-called equality data has been standard practice for decades:for instance, in the United Kingdom, the United States, or Canada.

All members of the CorrelAid Community are eligible to participate in the survey.

Participation in the survey is voluntary, both for the entire survey and for parts of the survey. As you know, a high number of participants increases the validity of the survey results. Your participation is therefore greatly appreciated and will ensure the production of high-quality survey results, as well as l findings from its data.

The survey is technically implemented using the open-source software Limesurvey. The Limesurvey survey software fully supports the use of screen readers and is constantly being optimized in this regard. If you have any technical questions, please send an email to

The survey period ends 5 weeks after the start of the survey. Once you complete the survey, you will no longer be able to access your answers. Once the survey is finalized, your answers will no longer be matched to the access token. Until the survey is online, you can request your consent be removed by sending an email to

No. There is also an individualized token in the invitation email. If you forward the email, other people to whom you have sent your link with the token can view, manipulate or delete your answers as long as the survey is open. The access link is confidential and only known to you, as no one else knows which access link you received.

You can request a new invitation link from CorrelAid. Please contact Frie over Slack or at

It takes about 20 minutes to answer the questions. As you know, a high number of participants increases the validity of the survey results. Your participation is therefore greatly appreciated, and will ensure the production of high-quality survey results, as well as findings from its data.

The final published results are completely anonymous. This means that in the final, publicly-available report no conclusions can be drawn about individuals. We also do not collect any names, and it is not technically possible to link the survey data with the email addresses of the respondents. The data is stored on CFE’s servers, which only CFE employees can access. If your computer’s settings allow it, our open-source survey software, Limesurvey, will set session cookies. These will be deleted as soon as you are done with the survey and close the browser window. If you experience any issues while completing the survey or if you want to close the survey and complete it at a later date, you can re-open the survey using the token provided by CorrelAid via email. Your answers will be saved, and are associated with this token. Once you complete the survey , you will no longer be able to access your answers. Once the survey is finalized, your answers will no longer be matched to the access token. Until the survey is finalized, you can request your consent be removed by sending an email to

All data is collected solely by the independent, non-profit organization Citizens For Europe using the open source survey software Limesurvey on its own servers.
Citizens For Europe gUG is the sole data processor. The data is neither passed on to nor processed by CorrelAid.
The survey runs on a specially set up virtual, encrypted server of CFE.
Your IP address is not collected.
Location information is not collected and thus not stored.
Your email address cannot be associated with the survey access link, the provided token or with your responses.
Should you decide to provide information in open fields, for example, which would make it possible to draw conclusions about yourself (e.g., name or e-mail address), we will delete this information in the data cleaning process.
Only a project-based selection of employees of Citizens For Europe gUG has access to the raw data. These employees are contractually bound to comply with data protection, and have undergone further certified training on data protection.
After completion of the survey, CorrelAid as well as the professional public only receives a report in which the evaluated results are aggregated and summarized. The form of presentation ensures that it is impossible to assign the results to you individually.

You can find further information on the data protection regulations CFE gUG here:

"Personal data" is any information relating to an identified or identifiable human being (Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR) . These are, for example, name, age, gender, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number or IP address.But there are also so-called “special categories of personal data” (Article 9 (1) GDPR) . This is information that reveals, for instance, origin, political opinion, religious belief, state of health, or sex life. Increased legal protection applies to such data.

You can withdraw your consent at any time within the period of the online survey by deleting the data you have entered. The lawfulness of the processing of your personal data that took place until the revocation remains unaffected. After the expiry of this period, in particular according to Art. 17 para. 3 lit. d in connection with Art. 89 para. 2 DSG. Art. 89 (2) GDPR, it must be noted that, if applicable, a subsequent deletion of the data for scientific research and statistical purposes cannot take place.

The transmission of the information provided in the online questionnaire is encrypted via SSL/HTTPS to a virtual server setup for this survey. The virtual server runs in an ISO-compliant data center in Germany (ISO:IEC 27001:2013 audited by FOX Certification). SSL is a common encryption technology that is also used for online banking, for example.

The results will be published in early 2023.

Here you will find a selection of definitions of terms, sorted alphabetically. Please note that all definitions and meanings presented here are context-dependent and can therefore be changed. We also attach great importance to the consideration of self-definitions.

Asexual: Asexual people have little to no need for sexual contact with other people. Asexuality is a sexual orientation and is distinct from those who are celibate and/or voluntarily abstain from sex.

Bisexual: Bisexual people have or desire emotional and sexual relationships with people of their own gender and those of the opposite sex.

Discrimination: Discrimination means that a person is treated worse than other people without objective justification. The person is . disadvantaged in relation to, for instance, their age, gender, religion, "race" / "ethnic origin", impairment / disability or sexual orientation / identity. Discrimination can be exercised in very different ways, such as insults, exclusion, sexual harassment,or even violence. Discrimination also occurs when people are disadvantaged by supposedly neutral rules and laws, even if this happens unintentionally.

Gender-sensitive language: When using gender-sensitive language, an attempt is made to include and address as many people as possible. Even those who do not fit into the usual two-gender model and who live between or beyond a pure woman-man-man-woman division. The so-called gender asterisk (*) or the gender gap (_) is often used for this purpose.

Gender Identity: Gender identity is the gender that an individual feels they belong to. This may differ from the gender assigned at birth.

Lesbian: Women* who feel sexually and emotionally attracted to women* describe themselves as lesbians. Heterosexual: Heterosexual people are sexually and emotionally attracted to people of the opposite sex.

Gay: Both women* and men* who feel emotionally and sexually attracted to their own sex describe themselves as homosexual.

Inter*: People who were born with sexual characteristics that cannot be clearly assigned to a male or female gender describe themselves as inter*. Intersex is not a sexual orientation, but describes a physical condition.

Intersectionality: Intersectionality considers the interaction of different social categories such as social status/social background, gender, ethnicity/race,, disability/impairment, age and/or sexual orientation/identity, among others. The different categories are not cumulative. Rather, the interactions and interdependencies of different positions of social inequality are analyzed.

Queer: People who deviate from the heterosexual and/or bisexual norm describe themselves as queer. The term is deliberately vague because it allows us to largely do without demarcations and definitions.

People of Color (Singular Person of Color): People of Color (PoC for short) is a political self-designation by and for people who have a shared horizon of experience in a predominantly white society. PoC combines shared experiences of racism and exclusion, as well as collective attributions of “being different”.

Black People: Black people is a political self-designation that describes a shared historical and/or current experience, not a “biological” characteristic (such as skin color) or membership to an “ethnic group”. In this context, black is always written with a capital B to emphasize the socially constructed attribution and social position of people affected by racism.

Social status/social origin: Social status/social origin means belonging to a social stratum/class in society (e.g., working class/lower class, middle class, upper class). This affiliation is determined by, among other things, income (e.g. high income / low income) and level of education (e.g. university degree / no university degree) and is linked to certain cultural and financial resources that determine the level of access to certain areas of social life.

Trans*: Trans is an umbrella term for all people who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. The asterisk at the end of the word is a placeholder. He points out that there are not just "male" and "female" genders, but a whole spectrum of gender, gender identities and physicalities.

If you have questions directly related to the survey, GDPR, etc. please send an email to If you have any questions that relate more to the function of this survey within CorrelAid, please contact Frie over Slack or via
